Earlier this month I was asked to be on a panel for the latest Evolution podcast, where I sat with other tech leaders to discuss “Mastering Continuous Improvement Through Agile Development”. I was joined by  Dwayne Pascal, CTO of Reveall, Gary Clark, CTO of SchoolGrid, and Evangelos Pappas, Head of Engineering, and the discussion was hosted by  Rachel Connolly.

We discussed changing businesses processes – both on inhouse projects and for client based services – and managing stakeholders and expectations. We also touch on technical debt, as well as the importance of moving forward with new features whilst maintaining the main foundations of what you’ve already built, and juggling this from a resource point of view.

We’ve been discussing here lately how going truly “agile” does take quite a mindset shift for organisations, as they basically need to put more trust in the hands of their developers for it to work really effectively – and developers need to honour that trust and deliver good results with a solid mix of business and technical pragmatism at the heart of what they do. At 18a, we’re always keen to have that trust and close relationship with our clients and I’ll be writing more soon about how that can be achieved to save businesses time and money, and keep developers feeling productive and fulfilled.

Meanwhile you can find the Podcast here, available on Soundcloud, Spotify and Apple Podcast.